Photograph of Dr. Thomas Jügel

Dr. Thomas Jügel

Project Leader "Aspect in Middle Persian" & Research Associate MPCD

Project Leader The Development of Aspect in Middle Persian
Research Associate Zoroastrian Middle Persian: Digital Corpus and Dictionary

Thomas Jügel is interested in the development of languages, in particular, of Iranic languages. The Middle Iranic period is in his focus since it allows  to trace the linguistic development from Old to New Iranic. He has investigated questions of alignment, ergativity, case, pronominal systems and agreement as well as tense and aspect. Beside work on Old and Middle Iranic, he also explored various topics of New Iranic dialectology with special consideration of Kurdish.

Following his education in Berlin and Frankfurt am Main, he spent years abroad in Sweden, France and Japan, and is now working on the linguistic annotation of the Middle Persian corpus in the MPCD project.

Areas of Research


Completed Research Projects:


Research Associate of Center for Religious Studies , Western Asian History of Religions and Zoroastrian Middle Persian: Digital Corpus and Dictionary

Substitute of Study Advisory Board

Former Projects and Affiliations

Project Leader of The Development of Aspect in Middle Persian