Photograph of Prof. Dr. Lucian Hölscher

Prof. Dr. Lucian Hölscher

Professor emeritus for Modern History and Theory of History

Professor for Modern History and Theory of History, Department of History, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany

Office Hours

please contact me

Areas of Research

Religious History in Modern Times, History of Notions, Theory of Historic Times, History of the Future

Member of Research Department of CERES RESEARCH DEPARTMENT

Former Projects and Affiliations

Project Leader of DFG Research Group “Transformation of Religion in the Modern Age” , Fate. History and Facets of a Religious Concept in Modern Times , Säkularisierung und Weltlichkeit , The Development of the Concept of "Religion" from an Intercultural Perspective , „Semantik kirchlicher Öffentlichkeiten“ and „Zur Semantik kirchlicher Medien“

RUB Member of Käte Hamburger Kolleg