Of dreamed journeys, transcendence in Confucianism and K-Pop
Episode 6 of the interview podcast DIE ÜBERTRAGUNG is now online. For the new episode, host Tim Karis has invited Koreanist Marion Eggert for an interview. Eggert is head of sub-project B02 of the Collaborative Research Centre 1475 "Metaphors of Religion", which is dedicated to the study of metaphors in which transformative experiences are expressed. Confucian texts, such as travelogues or dream records, are analysed for this purpose.
In the interview, the Korean researcher provides more specific insights into the work of the CRC sub-project and describes her personal research interests in this context. Among other things, she explains the connection between travelling and the experience of transcendence and explains how these were processed in Confucian texts from the 16th to the early 19th century in the form of metaphors.
In the interview, Eggert also provides personal insights into important episodes in her biography and explains how an incisive experience at a young age awakened her interest in Japanese culture. She talks about her trip to Japan and Korea in the early 1980s, the impressions that had a lasting impact on her and how her political commitment to the democracy movement in Korea and self-taught Korean language learning led her to an academic career in the field of sinology and Korean studies.
If you want to find out more about all this and also understand why a "good Confucian" prefers Elfringhausen Switzerland over Switzerland when in doubt, you should definitely listen to the one-hour interview.
Listen now in your web browser at: Episode 6: Marion Eggert, Koreanistin. Über Konfuzianer auf Reisen, Transzendenz im Gebirge und K-Pop - Die Übertragung: Interview-Podcast des SFB 1475 (podigee.io)
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