
Policy Report refers to CERES research

How does religious affliation influences societal participation in Germany? Which impact has religious diversity on society in Germany? These questions are addressead in the new annual report of the Expert Council of German Foundations on Integration and Migration that was published yesterday.

It is particularly pleasing that the report refers to many research works of the CERES team. For example, the Council emphasises the outstanding position of the study to religious diversity in North Rhine-Westphalia by Krech, Hero und Zander (2008). In general there is a lack of such empirical material for the German situation. Additionally papers of the your research group "Networking religion" are refered to, as individual studies and interviews conducted by other CERES researchers. 

"These references in the report give evidence to the fact, that CERES is well-positioned within this research area and well perceived in political consulting", CERES director Prof. Dr. Volkhard Krech says. The Expert Council of German Foundations on Integration and Migration is a non-partisan advisory council and held as most influential actor within policy consulting. With its annual report the Expert Council shapes the public debate on integration and migration in Germany and beyond.