image of Job Offer: One Position of a Researcher in Project on Islamic Theology in Germany

Job Offer: One Position of a Researcher in Project on Islamic Theology in Germany

The Center for Religious Studies (CERES) invites applications for one position (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/in) within the new research project "Islamische Theologie an deutschen Universitäten. Eine Studie zum islamisch-religiösen Expertentum in Deutschland ". The project will start at the 1st of October 2018.

The project examines the Islamic Theology programmes offered by differnt German universities in order to train religious experts for Islamic Theology. It intends to conduct a implemenation study that analyses the on-going processes and the state of the art of education received by future Islamic scholars, public teachers for Islam as well as the young academic.

In order to coduct this study the candidate will prepare, conduct and conclude emprical research connected with the following tasks.


Due to the focus on German higher education institutions, the candidate has to prove his/her ability of written and oral German skills (e.g. C1 level).

Please send your application as one pdf-file to until 07 July 2018.

Find the official job offer here (in German only).