JewsEast - Research project launched
The new research project at CERES entitled „Jews and Christians in the East: Strategies of Interaction between the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean“ (JewsEast) start its work on 1st October 2015.
(from left to right: István Perczel [project's partner, Central European University, Budapest], Alexandra Cuffel [project leader], Verena Krebs, Ophira Gamliel, Zara Pogossian, Sophia Dege-Müller, Barbara Roggema, Bar Kribus [associated, Hebrew University Jerusalem]
The focus of the project that is led by Prof Alexandra Cuffel, are on the encounters and interactions between Jews and Christians in the Middle East, North Africa, India and the Caucasus. Over the coming five years, this research project will be funded by a Consolidator Grant awarded by the ERC – European Research Council.