image of Talk: Grief in Different Religions and the Dealing with Death of a Close Relative by Rituals
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Talk: Grief in Different Religions and the Dealing with Death of a Close Relative by Rituals

Couselors and pastors, whether they work for the medical ambulance, police, fire department or religious groups often deal with a liminal situation: the dying and the death. Confronted with that situation and in helping relatives, the are faced with religious ideas and practices, which need to be understood and even to be integrated in the grieve work. Susanne Stentenbach-Petzold (CERES) gives a overview on the meaning of religious rituals on the treshold of dying and death.

Her talk is presented in German and part of the academic training programme "Notfallseelsorge & Krisenintervention" organised by the Roman-Catholic Church.


More information (German only)


Photograph of Dr. Susanne Stentenbach-Petzold

Dr. Susanne Stentenbach-Petzold