image of Invoking a Strange God: Rituals of Power and Religious Contacts in the Late Antique Mediterranean World and Medieval Europe

Invoking a Strange God: Rituals of Power and Religious Contacts in the Late Antique Mediterranean World and Medieval Europe

CERES Palais, room "Ruhrpott" (4.13)

This workshop brings together scholars in the fields of late antique and medieval magic and Kabbalah in the Mediterranean world and Western Asia to study the role of religious contacts in their historical contexts. The conference advances a three-fold programmatic approach:

The outcome of this workshop will be a special issue dedicated to the above approaches, to be published in the Journal Entangled Religions in 2020.

Workshop Program

Affiliated Persons

Photograph of Prof. Dr. Alexandra Cuffel

Prof. Dr. Alexandra Cuffel


Universitätsstr. 90a
44789  Bochum
Office 1.07
+49 234 32-22336
Photograph of Dr. Eduard Iricinschi

Dr. Eduard Iricinschi
