BuddhistRoad Guest Lecture Post-Imperial Tibetan History and Karakhoto Texts 12 April 2023, 01:00 p.m. – 03:00 p.m. Online Event BuddhistRoad Guest Lecture by Maho Iuchi (Kyoto) The lecture will be available live at Zoom. Please pre-register until 11 April … Meeting Computer Café: Digitale Editionen / XML / TEI 13 April 2023, 10:15 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Online Event External Event Indian World Views: A lecture by Dr. Patrick Felix Krüger on Jainist miniature painting 16 April 2023, 12:00 p.m. – 02:30 p.m. Landscape painting is generally considered an invention of European art. It is largely unknown, however, that landscape and natural space … Monday Meeting Hans Blumenberg's Metaphorology 17 April 2023, 02:30 p.m. – 04:00 p.m. CERES Palais, room "Ruhrpott" (4.13) BuddhistRoad Guest Lecture Why did Books come down from the Sky? Or is there a Grain of Truth in an Old Buddhist Literary Topos? 19 April 2023, 02:00 p.m. – 04:00 p.m. Online Event BuddhistRoad Guest Lecture by Joanna Bialek (Berlin) The lecture will be live at Zoom. Please pre-register until 18 April 2023, … Monday Meeting Topic: Domain 24 April 2023, 02:30 p.m. – 04:00 p.m. CERES Palais, room "Ruhrpott" (4.13) Colloquium CERES Research Colloquium 24 April 2023, 04:15 p.m. – 05:45 p.m. CERES Palais, room "Ruhrpott" (4.13) Olga Tytarenko "Semjon Gamaleja auf der Suche nach christlicher Konkordanz: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Ökumenismus im Osteuropa der Aufklärungszeit" … Workshop Jetzt für den Zukunftstag der RUB anmelden - Religiöse Pluralität entdecken und erforschen 27 April 2023, 09:00 a.m. – 03:00 p.m. CERES Palais, room "Ruhrpott" (4.13) Was sind die wichtigsten Feiertage im Islam? Stimmt es, dass Jesus von den Toten wieder auferstanden ist? Werde ich wiedergeboren, …