
Research Field 4

This session will be used to discuss a proposal for a somewhat systematized approach to our future work in the …


Focus Group Inclusion and Demarcation

Topic: Heresy and Heresiology. Besides passing in review the last small conference on heresy in the KHK the focus will …


Plenary Session Research Field 1

Report on selected activities of RF1      further study of the RF1 topic of this semester: The Impact of “Hellenization” …


Transversal Group of Focus Group Transfer and Resistance

! Please notice that from now on, the meetings for this group will take place on TUESDAYS on every first, …


Research Field 3

Lexicographical Appraches to the Definition of Religious Languages. How did past societies define what we today may call a religious …


Transversal Group of Focus Group Transfer and Resistance


"Buddhist Text Corpora and Iconography along the Silk Road: Dynamics of Transfer and Interaction"

Flyer Abstracts Extant in manuscripts, paintings and sculptures, Buddhist narratives have played an essential role in the dissemination of Buddhism …


Dr. Astrid Reuter: Gottes Recht im Verfassungsstaat. Rechtspluralismus als Gebot von Religionsfreiheit?

Poster   In modernen Verfassungsstaaten der westlichen Rechtstradition gilt es als eine Art Binsenwahrheit, dass die Freiheits- und Gleichheitsordnung allein …


Focus Group Transfer and Resistance

Report on the present state of our work on building blocks for the descriptipn of intra- and interreligious transfer processes …


Plenary Session Research Field 3

Our colleagues Prof. Glei and Prof. Reichmuth will present the results of their study on Religion between Last Judgement, Law, …


Transversal Group of Focus Group Transfer and Resistance