
CERES booth on IAHR congress

The Center for Religious Studies (CERES) will be present at the XXIst world congress of the International Association for the …


IAHR congress ||| Panel

Iconic Religion in Public Space (1) Panel Chair: Kim Knott Panel of the CERES research project Iconic Religion: How Imagineries …


IAHR congress ||| Panel

Iconic Religion in Public Space (2) Panel Chair: Kim Knott Panel of the CERES research project Iconic Religion: How Imagineries …


IAHR congress ||| Paper

Does tolerance increase through migration? A Case study on Pakistani Muslim migrants in Germany Sajida Fazal (CERES, PhD student) This …


IAHR congress ||| Panel

Religions and Media: Performances (1) Panel chair: Licia di Giacinto (KHK postdoc) In this panel three papers will be presented: …


IAHR congress ||| Workshop

Introduction to REMID Organizer: Martin Radermacher (CERES) The Religionswissenschaftliche Medien- und Informationsdienst" (REMID e. V.) introduces itself at the …


IAHR congress ||| Paper

Gnosis, Hairesis, and Mani: Fourth-century Religious Vocabulary and Its Modern Adjustments Eduard Iricinschi (KHK fellow) “Gnosticism,” Heresiology,” and “Manichaeism” are …


IAHR congress ||| Paper

From Content and Structure to Structure of Content: Text Network Analysis in the Study of Religions Frederik Elwert (KHK postdoc …