image of Materialwerkstatt Wissenstransfer

Materialwerkstatt Wissenstransfer

CERES Palais, room "Ruhrpott" (4.13)

image of Talk: Grief in Different Religions and the Dealing with Death of a Close Relative by Rituals
External Event

Talk: Grief in Different Religions and the Dealing with Death of a Close Relative by Rituals

Couselors and pastors, whether they work for the medical ambulance, police, fire department or religious groups often deal with a …

image of CERES Computer Café: Searching Text with Regular Expressions

CERES Computer Café: Searching Text with Regular Expressions

CERES Palais, room "Gandhara" (1.11)

Kianoosh Rezania will give an introduction about how to use advanced search tools in order to query text corpora.