Colloqium & Workshops

We encourage all doctoral and early postdoctoral students to actively participate in the numerous workshops, symposia, and lecture series of the various research projects at CERES in Bochum. In addition, CERES supports all early career researchers in organizing their own workshops in Bochum and in participating in national as well as international conferences and workshops. The aim of our support for PhD students and postdocs is to establish academic contacts, to receive important impulses for their own research projects, and thus to be able to place their work in a larger transdisciplinary context from the very beginning.

The integrated CERES Research Colloquium serves as a communication platform for the CERES early career researchers (advanced MA students, PhD students as well as early career postdocs). They regularly present their research projects or progress reports in the colloquium and receive professional feedback. 

If you are interested in participation, please sign up here for our mailing list to stay informed about our program.

Program for the CERES Research Colloquium Summer Term 2025

Early Career Researchers' Program


From Dissertation to Publication: Workshop for PhDs

CERES Palais, room "Ruhrpott" (4.13)

How can you turn your dissertation into a published book? This workshop offers comprehensive guidance on developing successful publication strategies …