Teaching-Learning-Project: Religion and Death in Contemporary Society
Death is one of the most central topics in the history of religions. In all civilisations and periods of human history religious pracitices and ideas have been dedicated to how to deal with death. This course will focus on the contemporary relation between religion and death. Religion seems to be rather mariginal in today's society which can also be seen in the decline of Christian funeral rites. Students of this course will analyse the relation of religion and death empirically by participating observation, interviews with hospitals, retirement homes, hospices, pallative services, church communities, funeral parlours and alike. All received data will be made anonymous before publication.
Supervising lecturer:
- Dr. Jens Schlamelcher, Dean of Students, Center for Religious Studies, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Participating Students:
- Alexander Schröder
- Anna Lena Julcher
- Dinko Antonio Matic
- Fabian Klein
- Kai Jacen Reichert
- Kristina Melnik
- Laura Sophie Bafs
- Lisa Josephine Guthmann
- Sebastian Schopp
- Sylvester Ejike Ozioko
- Wicky Chogh
- Yasmin Karolin Gaspar Rodrigues
- Yousief Sleiman
01-2020 - 07-2020
Funded by
Rectorate of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum