Prof. Dr. Johann Büssow
Professur für Islamwissenschaft, Institut für Arabistik und Islamwissenschaften
- Late Ottoman Palestinians: Social and Cultural Dynamics in an Eastern Mediterranean Society during the Age of Empire, 1880-1920” (ERC Consolidator Grant, 2022–2027)
- “Frontier Cities during the Late Ottoman Period: The Case of Beersheba in a Comparative Perspective” (with Professor Yuval Ben-Bassat, Gerda Henkel Foundation grant, 2022–2024)
- “Letters to the Sheikh: Political and Economic Transformations in the Indian Ocean World as Reflected in the Letters to the ʿAbriyin of al-Hamraʾ (Oman) during the Long 19th Century” (DFG grant, 2021–2027)
Office Hours
online oder in Präsenz, nach Vereinbarung:
Dienstag 09:00 - 11:00 Uhr
Areas of Research
Kultur- und Sozialgeschichte der Gesellschaften Westasiens und Nordafrikas in der Neuzeit sowie zu Themen der islamischen Geistesgeschichte
Principal Investigator of CRC 1475 „Metaphors of Religion“
Project Leader of Subproject A01