Photograph of Anna Kira Hippert

Anna Kira Hippert

Research Associate & PhD Student RePliV

Doctoral student Graduate School RePliV

Working title PhD project: Die Funktion visueller Medien in der Regulierung des Images Neuer Religiöser Bewegungen in Deutschland und den USA im Vergleich

Assistant Research Officer and Intern at inform (Information Network Focus on Religious Movements) King's College, London

Find more information on Anna-Kira Hippert on the website of the RePliV graduate school. 



Office Hours

By appointment

Areas of Research

Religious Studies in Practice: Career Opportunities

Online knowledge transfer for Religious Studies scholars

Cult or Sect?- Introduction to New Religious Movements

Guest Session in the Seminar "Tricksters, Fools, Madmen and Saints" Topic: L. Ron Hubbard and Hagiography

A generation under a spell – witchcraft in modern society​​​​​​

Understanding New Religious Movements

From Jedi Knights, Monster Hunting Cowgirls and a Teenage Witch – Religion and Popular Culture 

"Yee-haw" not " Amen" – When Cowboy Culture Meets Christianity

Teaching Assisatant "Introduction to Religious Studies"

Teaching Assistant "Introduction to Religious Studies"

Teaching Assistant "Between the flood of images and iconoclasm: On the role of images in religion and society"





Research Vlog on Cowboy Curches and Church of Scientology on YouTube

April 2024 WDR 5 (West German Broadcasting Corporation) "This Side of Eden" Radio Feature - Religion and Politics in the USA

September 2023 Newspaper Interview (WAZ: West German General Newspaper): Bochum Researcher Investigates Cowboy Churches and Scientology in the USA

May 2023: WDR 5 Radio Interview "Wearing a Cowboy Hat to Church", interview

May 2023: "Riding, Roping, Resurrected – When Christianity meets Horsemanship", Guest Lecture, Missouri State University, Missouri, Springfield

November 2022: "God will not let you take me!" Religious Storytelling and Religious Symbolism in Video Games, Lecture at the Kath. Hochschulgemeinde Dortmund

July 2022: "Regulating (self-) perception? – Images and their potential for research on NRMs", Presentation as part of the online seminar of inform (Information Network Focus on Religious Movements) based at King’s College, London: "New Media and New Religiosity – Possibilities and Pitfalls?"

July 2022: Preparation and organization of the seminar "New Media and New Religiosity – Possibilities and Pitfalls?", as well as moderation.

May 2022: God Mode: Religious Symbols and Narratives in Video Games, lecture at the Kath. Hochschulgemeinde Paderborn 

December 2021: "Gaming und Religion", MDR radio interview on the topic of religion and computer games. 

November 2021: "Power of Images - The Function of Media for New Religious Movements", lecture at the 52nd IDZ Expert Discussion of the Working Group for the Protection of Children and Young Adults NRW.

November 2019: "Riding, Roping, Resurrected – When Christianity meets Horsemanship". Symposium at the Folkwang University of the Arts as part of the inter-university series "Ethnology in the Ruhr Area.

January 2019 – June 2019: Study and research stay at the University of Kansas, KS, US. Field research on the subject of "Cowboy Churches."

Supervised theses


The Catholic Church of Croatia on Facebook: Changing Religious Authority

Astrology as an Expression of Popular Spirituality? - An analysis of religious studies in context of Hubert Knoblauch's concept of spirituality 


Honor killings in the name of Islam? On the justification of honor killings based on an analysis of the concept of honor using Hatun Sürücüs as a case study.

"I am a Paladin!" - What interaction emerges between portrayed and lived religiosity in the context of (online) role-playing games?

Research Associate of Center for Religious Studies

Associated Researcher of CRC 1475 „Metaphors of Religion“

Associate Lecturer of CERES Teaching

PhD Student of CERES Early Career Researchers' Program and Graduate School RePliV