Toronto, Marburg, Leuven - Summer Time is Conference Time
Only days after the lecture and examining period finished, researchers of CERES prepare to attend conferences worldwide. Due to different schedules at the universities around the globe, most international conferences take place in the month of August. While German universities just finished their lectures, classes of US institutions of higher education normally start in the second half of August.
In these days a team of the novel CERES research project BuddhistRoad is attending the annual conference of the International Association of Buddhist Studies (IABS) in Toronto. It will introduce to their upcoming research within the project.
The show goes on in September: CERES Researchers from the wide range of research projects as well as colleagues from the teaching unit will present their work at the annual meeting of the German Association for Religious Studies, the Deutsche Vereinigung für Religionswissenschaft (DVRW), in Marburg. This year, CERES will have an own booth on this national conference to not only inform on its research project but also to introduce the revised online journal Entangled Religions.
Only one week later, CERES again will have an information booth at the conference of the European Association for the Study of Religion, which takes place in Leuven, Belgium. The colleagues of the booth will be joined by CERES researchers, who will present their papers an Eureopean scholarly audience, as well as revive existing contacts to or establish ties with other research institutions in this field.