Tim Karis in an interview with Deutschlandfunk: Is the “Wort zum Sonntag” still in keeping with the times?
As part of the Deutschlandfunk program @mediasres, Tim Karis was interviewed on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the ARD program Wort zum Sonntag. The background was a festive event on November 14 in Munich, at which the anniversary was celebrated with 120 guests from the church, society and the media. Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier was invited as the most prominent guest and speaker.
The discussion between Tim Karis and Christoph Sterz from Deutschlandfunk revolved around the central question of whether the Wort zum Sonntag is still up to date as a format. Tim Karis shed light on the historical background and explained why the Protestant and Catholic churches still receive free broadcasting time on TV that is not subject to editorial control by the broadcasters. In view of the decline in church membership, the growing religious diversity in Germany and the changes in broadcasting options brought about by technological progress, Karis questioned whether it is fair that the major Christian churches can independently design the broadcasting slot directly after the popular news program Tagesthemen.
Karis spoke out in favor of abolishing this privilege or considering alternative models for this slot, such as those that have been and are being implemented to some extent by some regional broadcasters or abroad. To this end, he would like to see a broad public debate in which all stakeholders, the Christian churches, Muslim and other religious faith associations and ideological groups can have their say. In general, it is important to examine what role religious programs from the linear age of television (should) still play today.
Link to the interview: https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/noch-zeitgemaess-70-jahre-wort-zum-sonntag-gespraech-mit-tim-karis-dlf-d05cedf3-100.html