SYLFF-Mikrokolleg on Forced Migration. Grants available
In cooperation cooperation with the Tokio Foundation, RUB Research School offers two grants for doctoral researchers within the Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund (SYLFF).
The fellows will be funded for three years with 1200 Euros per month. They will be part of a small, highly interdisciplinary research group (Microkolleg) and work on individual doctoral projects within different research perspectives under the overarching topic of forced migration. The Mikrokolleg is located at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum and professors from different disciplines defined research perspectives doctoral candidates can apply for.
The SYLFF Mikrokolleg invites the application of excellent young researchers with a strong interest in research on international forced migration, with a background in economics, law, political science, sociology and religious studies and with a clear commitment towards cross-disciplinary cooperation.
Find more detailed information here.