
CERES wins: New Graduate School funded

The co-existence of people of different faiths and beliefs brings tremendous challenges for society. Young researchers of the new established graduate school RePlir („Religiöse Pluralität und ihre Regulierung in der Region“/"Religious plurality and its regulation in the region") will examine these challenges with a special focus on the regions of Westphalia, Germany.

Joint-project with the Center for Religion and Modernity, Münster

The graduate school is a joint-project of the Center for Religious Studies (CERES) of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum and the Center for Religion and Modernity (CRM) of Münster's university. It recieves its funding by the Ministry for Research of the land North Rhine-Westphalia for four and a half years, starting in July 2016. The school is presided over by Prof. Dr. Volkhard Krech (CERES) and Prof. Dr. Ulrich Willems (CRM).

Supporting young research

Eleven PhD-candidates from different subjects such as religious studies, sociology, urban geography, media studies, pedagogics, economics, law and theologiy will conduct individual research projects on questions that arise from living in a multi-faith society. All candidates will not only be supervised by renowened scientists in their respective fields, but will also be activelty communicate with non-academic partners in their fields of research. Partners include acteurs of religious or humanist/atheists groups, public administration, the media, economics and further institutions of civil society. This close cooperation will entail a focus on the wider significance of societal challenges and will thereby enable more fruitful discussion of solutions with stakeholders. 

Press contact: Center for Religious Studies (CERES), Ulf Plessentin, ulf.plessentin@rub.de, 0049 - 234 32 22056