Public Trial Lecture Professor for West Asian History of Religion
On the 28th of January 2016, the search committee invites a broad audience to the public trial lectures of the candidates for the future Professor of West Asian History of Religions.
All lectures will be given in the CERES building, Universitätsstr. 90a, room 4.13 (conference room 'Ruhrpott').
01.30 - 02.15 pm Dr. Götz König (Berlin)
03.15 - 04.00 pm Dr. Kianoosh Rezania (Göttingen)
05.00 - 05.45 pm Yuhan Sohrab-Dinshaw Vevaina, PhD (Stanford, CA, USA)
All lectures will be given publicly. After a public Q&A session, the committee will interview the candidate non-publicly.