Patrick Krüger in the “geister” podcast: Insights into Jainism
Patrick Krüger was a guest on the podcast “geister - der philosophie-podcast” at the end of November and answered questions about Jainism. Host Christian Eichler's aim with his podcast is to work his way “bit by bit through the history of philosophy”. To this end, he invites renowned academics to talk to him. Most recently, Eichler spoke with Angelika Malinar, Professor of Indology at the Asia-Orient Institute at the University of Zurich, and Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer, Senior Professor of Sinology at the University of Tübingen.
After talking about Buddhism and Hinduism in previous episodes, Eichler now spoke to Patrick Krüger in episode #41 about Jainism, its origins, the central tenets of the faith and the question of why “Jainism has not become as popular as Buddhism”. The highly informative interview with Patrick Krüger, which lasts around an hour, can be listened to on all popular streaming platforms.