Panel Discussion on the Islam debate (June 9th, 6 pm)
As part of the traveling exhibition "Was' los, Deutschland! Ein Parcours durch die Islamdebatte", which is currently on display in the foyer of the Volkshochschule Bochum, a panel discussion will take place on Thursday, June 9, 2022 at 6:00 pm.
The exhibition makes clear that (anti-Muslim) racism and discrimination are unfortunately part of everyday experiences for many people, and invites everyone to engage with this issue. The exhibition is aimed at young people as well as all other interested parties.
The panel discussion would like to illuminate the topic from another side and asks the question "Islam debate and no end?". The Islam debate has been marginalized by global crises in the media, but has it really disappeared? What new experiences and challenges have been added? What perspectives have perhaps emerged that can contribute to more togetherness in a plural society?
We invite you to a panel discussion with scholars of Islam and social science, a representative of the exhibition organizers, and a representative of Islamic communities in Bochum.
Admission to the panel discussion is free. Please register in advance at: https://eveeno.com/podiumsdiskussion-was-los-deutschland