Maren Freudenberg explains the influence of Christianity on the US election in the media
In the RTL news series “Voice of Washington”, Freudenberg recently spoke about the influence of conservative Evangelical Christians on American politics. She explained how closely religion and politics are interwoven in the USA despite the constitutionally guaranteed separation of church and state and why white Evangelicals and the Christian Right support the Republican Party and its presidential candidate Donald Trump in particular.
Link to the video interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiYjLqSRTVM
Maren Freudenberg was also recently featured on the WDR3 program “Mosaik”. Here she classified the proportion of white Evangelicals who are likely to vote for Donald Trump on November 5, drew the connection to white supremacy as a racist attitude and also looked ahead to the time after the election, in which, according to observers, civil war-like conditions could arise in the USA - regardless of who wins the election.
Link to the audio interview: https://wdrmedien-a.akamaihd.net/medp/podcast/weltweit/fsk0/320/3200124/3200124_59744474.mp3
Hessischer Rundfunk also published a summary of the panel discussion on October 8 in Frankfurt's Haus am Dom, where Freudenberg spoke about similar topics. The radio report summarizes particularly concise passages of the discussion, including her assessment of key election issues such as immigration and family policy as well as the positions of the Christian Right on these issues.
Listen to the audio here: https://www.hr2.de/podcasts/camino/trump-und-die-evangelikalen-wie-aus-frommen-christen-eine-radikale-politische-bewegung-wurde,podcast-episode-135532.html
One day before the US presidential election, on November 4, 2024, Maren Freudenberg will once again discuss religion, politics and the “Trump phenomenon” together with religious scholar Martin Radermacher. The discussion will be hosted by CERES and Kulturbahnhof Langendreer in Bochum and moderated by Teresa Unterberg.
Further information about the event can be found here: https://bahnhof-langendreer.de/god-made-trump