Exhibition "The Urban Sacred" open
On Saturday, the 27th of February, the exhibition The Urban Sacred (find the newest information here) was opened in Kunstmuseum Bochum for the first time. The exhibition is part of the international research project Iconic Religion funded by the HERA-programme of the EU. The project connects researchers from the Center for Religious Studies at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (DE), Lancaster University (UK) and Universiteit Utrecht (NL).
The exhibitions aims to show different approaches to reflecting on religious diversity: The visitors can explore the scientific findings of the research project that focusses on religious sites in the three metropoles that are characterized by a high degree of religious diversity. Furthermore, the artists Nina Gschlößl, Henriette Kriese and Tania Reinike have dealt with theses sites and contributed photographic and filmic perspectives to the exhibition.
During the exhbition, CERES offers a programme of talks (in German only). After Bochum, the exhibition will travel to London, Berlin and Amsterdam.