Digital worlds of religion on Instagram: Insights, trends and discussions in the new book "Religion on Instagram"
In addition to major topics such as beauty, cooking and cats, growing niches for religious communication have established themselves in the digital space. Today, Instagram also means living religion, the Bible, spirituality, the life of a pastor, church politics, prayer groups, pastoral care, religious positioning and education. The volume provides an insight into the development of Instagram channels, shows new forms of community building and networking and deals with religious influencers. It sheds light on how authentic Instagram voices are perceived by religiously and culturally interested adolescents and young adults and have an impact on the relationship between authority and individuality, as well as on the perception and development of churches and religious communities.
Those who prefer to listen in instead of reading in have the opportunity to take part in the follow-up symposium on religion on Instagram on Friday, May 24, 2024 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Venue: Haus am Dom, Domplatz 3, 60311 Frankfurt am Main www.hausamdom-frankfurt.de and online broadcast via YouTube Participation fee: €29/€19; streaming free of charge
Registration: hausamdom@bistumlimburg.de
Registration is not required for online participation.
Access: https://youtube.com/live/Aw3ABVB8M-Q?feature=share
The 1-minute book talk by Anna Neumaier can be seen on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/p/C3sBg1SMjzY/.
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