Student projects on Devotional Fitness

When Christians attend fitness classes, go on diets, and seek for a fit and slim body because they understand this as their religious duty, they often face skepticism. But for a growing number of evangelical Christians in the United States, this has become more and more popular since the late 1950s.

Students at CERES research selected aspects of this topic during the summer term of 2015. They will present their works in progress on Monday, 29 June 2015, 12:15-03:00 pm. All CERES staff and students are welcome to join. The presentations will be in German. The venue is situated on RUB campus at FNO 02/40-46. The presentations will be held in German only.  



12:15–12:30 – Welcome and Introduction (Martin Radermacher)

12:30–13:00 – „Mystik" als Motiv devotionaler Fitness? (Benedikt Bauer)

13:00–13:30 – Christliche Fitness und Tai Chi: Körperkonzepte im Vergleich (Waldemar Ginter)

13:30–13:45 – Break

13:45–14:15 – Charlie W. Shedd und die Psychologisierung christlicher Fitnessprogramme (Christoph Kohls)

14:15–14:45 – „Becoming the real you": Vergleich religiöser und säkularer Diätprogramme in Bezug auf das Motiv der Selbsttransformation (Annina Schlatter)

14:45–15:00 – Concluding discussion