Changing Market for Christian Objects - Radio Feature interviews CERES Researcher
Nativity sets here, angeld there, candles everywhere. Especially the weeks before Christmas show us a whole range of Christian objects and motifs. But the market for rosaries and other devotional object is massively changing. Shop keepers close their stores, objects are sold more and more via Internet while stern religious motifs are everything but a bestseeler.
A radio feature of German public broadcaster Deutschlandfunk traces the changes in this peculiar field and interviews Martin Radermacher, researcher at the Center for Religious Studies (CERES). He gives insights into a deeply changing market from traditional forms towards new religious objects. The trend goes to a more of individuality. Wish candles and slates with sloganes as well as rather broad Christian symbols such as the ICHTHYS-fish are bestsellers whereas figurines of saints or home altars are not.
The radio feature including the interview can be found in print and for listing here (German only).