
CERES Researchers write for Compendium for Journalists

On November 1st 2016, a new compendium on Islam is published for journalists by Mediendienst Integration - a German-speaking service founded by journalists covering topics of migration. The compedium „Journalisten-Handbuch zum Thema Islam“ covers facts and figures on Muslims, new findings of research as well as basic information on Islam in past and present times.

Two CERES researchers have contributetd to this compendium: While Dr. Sarah J. Jahn analyses the situation and religious backgrounds of recent refugees that came to Central Europe and Germany in the last two years, Dr. Tim Karis presents information on the reception of Muslims and Islam within German mass media.

The compendium will be introduced in Berlin (Haus der Bundespressekonferenz, Schiffbauerdamm 40, 10117 Berlin, 10:30 am) on November 1st, 2016. Besides the Mediendienst Integration, German government's state minister for migration, refugees, and integration, Ms.  Aydan Özoğuz, will be present.