Ancient knowledge for a modern world
Under the title "Ancient Knowledge for a Modern World", an article by Dr. Patrick Felix Krüger on Jainism was published in the 92nd issue of "Tattva Viveka", a journal for science, philosophy and spiritual culture, in November 2022. Although Jainism is one of the smaller religious communities in South Asia today, its contribution to Indian culture and intellectual history is enormous.
"Non-violence and renunciation are the highest precepts of the religion of Jainism, which, along with Hinduism and Buddhism, finds its origin in India. This article introduces the history, ethics and cosmology of this religious community, which is little known in the West, and asks how its principles can serve as orientation for modern man." Patrick Felix Krüger provides background information on the history and world of the Jaina and relates it to our modern world.
The entire article including pictures can be found at www.tattva.de/die-unbekannte-religion-der-jainas/.