
Scholarly results are often only perceived and discussed within academic circles, but research on religions, religious diversity and changes in the religious and ideological landscape is of enormous importance for the civil society. The CERES knowledge transfer team conveys academically sound knowledge on religion-related topics not only to a broad public, but also to specific actors in relevant areas of practice (e.g. politics, administration, schools). This creates a lively platform for dialogue between academia and the public.

The activities in the field of knowledge transfer are oriented both towards the interested public at Ruhr-Universität Bochum and in the wider region: Exhibitions and cooperation with European specialist museums, further education opportunities for public administration and teachers, public lectures and expert hearings in German political institutions, media appearances and the laboratory for school students – knowledge transfer, sometimes called third mission activities and more popularly known as public outreach, is diverse and highly professional at CERES.

All activities are united by the threefold goal



CERES und LWL Museum laden ein: Lesung aus "Wie die Sterne an den Himmel kamen" bei der "Nacht der Sterne in Herne"

Am 28. März 2025 lädt das LWL-Museum für Archäologie und Kultur in Herne zur langen Museumsnacht "Nacht der Sterne in …


Start der Vortragsreihe von CERES und VHS Bochum: „Religionen von Aha bis Zen“

Das CERES und die Volkshochschule (VHS) Bochum laden zu einer neuen Vortragsreihe ein: Unter dem Titel „Religionen von Aha bis …

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Contact person

Photograph of Lara Baer M.A.

Lara Baer M.A.


Universitätsstr. 90a
44789  Bochum
Office 4.09
+49 234 32-22056