Language Promotion²

The CERES knowledge transfer division is involved in two language acquisition and promotion projects, which are grouped together under the "Language Promotion²" label. In these two projects, CERES contributes its academic expertise on interculturality and religious sensibility as well as its practical experience in offering advanced training in various fields of education. The interdisciplinary network of language education and multilingualism as well as the cultural and social science-oriented study of religion also enables, in the mid- to long-term, researching the possible social and cultural interrelationships of language acquisition.
From Language Promotion to the Integration of Immigrant Children, Adolescents and Young Adults
Funded by the Mercator Foundation and a collaborative University Alliance Ruhr project (duration: 2017-2021).
The RUB’s sub- project is responsible for developing study modules. In addition to approaches from research-based teaching in the field of language tuition in DaZ/DaF (German as a Second/Foreign Language), intercultural and religious as-pects also play a role. Participants of the part-time study program thus have the opportunity to acquaint themselves with intercultural and psychosocial aspects of teaching and learning with new immigrants and to develop competences in order to react to challenges in different teaching and learning situations.
The partners at Ruhr-Universität Bochum include Professional School of Education, CERES and the Arbeitsbereich Sprachbildung und Mehrsprachigkeit (Prof. Dr. Lena Heine). More information (in German) here
Language Promotion and Transcultural Sensitivity in Teacher Education
A joint project with the Professional School of Education of the RUB and the Language Education and Multilingualism division supported by the Stifterverband (duration: 2017-2019):
Within the framework of the project, a new and innovative module was developed for student attaining teaching degrees at RUB that specifically prepares them for interculturally sensitive work with newly immigrated children and young people in the context of language promotion. Casting a Religious Studies perspective on issues sensitive to religion is innovative and increasingly at the center of students' education, together with classical language aspects. The module is practice-oriented: To prepare for their later work as teachers, all participants take part in role-plays with actors.
Website of the project (in German).
More general information on the funding line of the Stifterverband (in German) here.
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