image of Religion in the Urban Environment: Religions of NYC

Religion in the Urban Environment: Religions of NYC

Event canceled

A joint event of Columbia’s Department of Religion/IRCPL and the Center for Religious Studies (Ruhr University Bochum) in cooperation with New York University and University Alliance Ruhr.

The course taught at the Center for Religious Studies (CERES) in winter term of 2019/20 covers the urban conditions of religious formations with a special focus on New York City. It relates to research activities of CERES and is also of thematic interest in the Department of Religion (Columbia University). During the course, students have developed individual research questions about which they can do fieldwork when coming to NYC. The city is one of the most religiously diverse places in the world, and home to religious communities from Roman-Catholic Christian, a variety of Hindu or Muslim traditions, to New Age and spiritual movements, or adherents of more recent deities like Santa Muerte (“Our Lady of Holy Death”).

At the end of term, the Bochum class travels to New York City. Besides doing individual field research, they will meet up with students and staff at Columbia University, presenting each others’ projects and discussing the urban presence of religions in New York City. They will also take part in a public lecture event at New York University, organized in cooperation with New York Office of the University Alliance Ruhr.

The participation is limited to students that enrolled in the course.


Photograph of Dr. Martin Radermacher

Dr. Martin Radermacher

Universitätsstr. 90a
44789  Bochum
Office 3.13
+49 234 32-24697