image of Western Learned Magic as an Entangled Tradition

Western Learned Magic as an Entangled Tradition

CERES Palais, room "Ruhrpott" (4.13)

The workshop explores the textual-ritual tradition of 'Western learned magic' from an interdisciplinary, longue-durée and cross-cultural perspective. As the study of 'Western learned magic' has hitherto been scattered across different fields of research, the workshop assembles eight acclaimed scholars in the field who have worked on relevant source material from antiquity to the 21st century.

All contributions strive for interpreting the material from a comparative perspective and with a particular focus on ritual dynamics, thus highlighting intercultural and religious routes of transmission as well as fascinating types of 'entangled rituals'. The contributions will be published in a special issue of Entangled Religions, guest-edited by Bernd-Christian Otto.

Workshop programme


Photograph of PD Dr. Bernd-Christian Otto

PD Dr. Bernd-Christian Otto