
From Dissertation to Publication: Workshop for PhDs

CERES Palais, room "Ruhrpott" (4.13)

How can you turn your dissertation into a published book? This workshop offers comprehensive guidance on developing successful publication strategies for doctoral students in the humanities. Participants will gain insight into the publication requirements at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Faculty of Philology) and explore different publication options, from digital uploads and open access to self-funded publications in Germany to collaborations with international publishers. A key element of the workshop is the opportunity to share experiences, challenges and strategies with other participants.

Further information and the workshop program will follow soon.


Photograph of Maren Jordan M.A.

Maren Jordan M.A.


Universitätsstr. 90a
44789  Bochum
Office 3.08
+49 234 32-21982