Lecture DiGA - Field Trip Presentation 22 Feb. 2022, 06:00 p.m. – 08:00 p.m. Online Event The DiGA team presents impressions from their first field trip to Pakistan in November 2021 and gives first insights into the development of the project. Open to all CERES members. Participate via Zoom: https://ruhr-uni-bochum.zoom.us/j/68729177787?pwd=aVlMaE90YnFXM1Q4ZjZnUis4QXpYdz09 ID: 687 2917 7787 | PW: DiGA2022 Affiliated Persons Sarah Rautert M.A. Contact Universitätsstr. 90a 44789 Bochum Office 0.11 +49 234 32-24809 koordinationrelwiss@rub.de Prof. Dr. Jessie Pons Speaker Universitätsstr. 90a 44789 Bochum Office 1.04 +49 234 32-22955 jessie.pons@rub.de
Sarah Rautert M.A. Contact Universitätsstr. 90a 44789 Bochum Office 0.11 +49 234 32-24809 koordinationrelwiss@rub.de
Prof. Dr. Jessie Pons Speaker Universitätsstr. 90a 44789 Bochum Office 1.04 +49 234 32-22955 jessie.pons@rub.de