Dr. Cristiano Moscatelli
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter DiGA
Cristiano Moscatelli studied Indian history of art and archaeology at La Sapienza University of Rome (BA) and at “L’Orientale” University of Naples (MA), Italy. He is now a Dr. and just finisihed his thesis titled “Buddhist and Non-Buddhist steles from the urban centre of Bīr-koṭ-ghwaṇḍai, Swat Valley (Pakistan). Material culture and religiosity in Late-Kuṣāṇa era” at “L’Orientale”.
He is a member of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Pakistan (IAMP-ISMEO) and of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Afghanistan (IAMA-ISMEO). Since 2021, he joined the Digitisation of Gandharan Artefacts (DiGA) Project at CERES, Bochum University.
Trained as an art historian, Cristiano Moscatelli is specialised in Gandharan studies. His research is particularly focused on Buddhist visual and material culture, and on the relationships between Buddhism and local religious systems within the civil society in ancient Gandhara.
Buddhist culture, Gandharan Studies, Religion and Art, Inter-religious encounters in NW Indian Subcontinent, cultural heritage