(© Picture: Mohamed Hassan / Pixabay)

Research Associate in Sasanian and Early Islamic Translation Studies (Full-Time, Temporary)

The CERES is looking for a research associate (m,f,x), for the period until 31.05.2026 (end of project) with 39,83 hours per week, TV-L E13
extent: full-time
duration: temporary
beginning: 01.06.2025
application deadline: 15.03.2025

CERES is a Central Research Unit of the Ruhr-Universität. It currently brings together over 50 researchers, which makes it one of the largest centers for the comparative study of religion in Europe. The center hosts a double degree BA program as well as single and a double degree MA-programs for Religious Studies. The programs combine a focus on the material history of religions with theoretical and empirical approaches in the study of religions and are in constant dialogue with our research projects.

The DFG project “How Sasanian Science and Literature passed on to the Muslims. A Reassessment of Cultural Transfer by Translation in Late Antiquity” makes the case that a better judgment of the phe-nomenon of translation in early Islam can be made when considering the overall spectrum of transla-tion in its late antique historical context, consisting of the Eastern Roman and the Sasanian Empire. It focuses on the position of Middle Persian in the disseminiation of Greek, Indian, and Iranian scientific, literary, and religious writings. For more information about the project see https://ceres.rub.de/en/research/projects/translation/.
At this DFG project, one position of a research associate (TV-L E 13, 39,83 weekly working hours) is to be filled for 12 months starting on 01.06.2025.

Your tasks

The requirements are

Our offerings

Additional information:

At the request of the applicant (m,f,x), the staff council may be involved in selection interviews. https://www.wpr.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/

If the position is funded by third-party funds the employee has no teaching obligation.

German language courses are offered by the University Language Center (ZFA) in the field of German as a Foreign Language (DaF). https://www.daf.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/sbgk/index.html.en

You can find information about TV-L at: https://oeffentlicher-dienst.info/

Please submit your application via e-mail (one single pdf-file) to or.rubin@rub.de. Applications shall include:

Contact details for your application

Prof. Dr. Kianoosh Rezania, Phone: +49234 32 21979

Travel expenses for interviews cannot be refunded.

For information on the collection of personal data in the application process see:

We are looking forward to receiving your application with the specification ANR: 4319 until 15/03/2025, send by e-mail to the following address: or.rubin@rub.de

Please get in touch with the contact person named above if you would like to use an alternative application channel.