Auschreibung: Stipendien für Summer School in 2013

Das Käte Hamburger Kolleg lädt Promovierende und fortgeschrittene Masterstudierende herzlich ein, sich für die im Juli nächsten Jahres in Bochum stattfindende Summer School 'Eurasian Religions in Contact. From Antiquity to Modernity' zu bewerben.

PDF-Version der Ausschreibung

Wall of a Tibetan Buddhist temple in Kinnaur (NW India) showing the Buddhist deity Vajrapani alongside with the Hindu god Hanuman


I. Description

With global developments and the growing significance of religion in public debates, academic interest in religions too has grown, especially in religious contacts. While there is a long tradition of studying specific interactions, in particular among the so-called Abrahamic religions, this orientation usually betrays a Western perspective. Recent scholarship has developed a more global perspective paying increasing attention to other religious contacts such as between Muslims and Buddhists. Alongside research on the ground, scholars are developing theoretical frameworks for studying these contacts. How do we theorize religion? How can we assess the significance of religious identity when members of different communities meet? What defines a contact between individuals, communities, traditions, as a contact of religions? What are the effects of contact for the development and expansion of religious traditions?

This summer school offers the opportunity to explore these topics in a comparative framework. The environment is provided by the Käte Hamburger Kolleg at the University of Bochum. Since 2008, members of the Kolleg and visiting fellows have been exploring the formation and expansion of religions, the mutual permeation of religious traditions and their evolution into the complex figurations called 'world religions.' The summer school will combine lectures by established specialists in the field who will present case studies from the world's major religious traditions and discuss theoretical implications of their work; student presentations; and text discussions based on material provided in a reader.

II. Information for applicants

We are currently accepting applications from graduate students (PhD and advanced MA) from any academic discipline who are working on topics related to intra- and inter-religious contacts from any historical period and geographical region. Qualified applicants who are not directly studying religious traditions in contact, but who can demonstrate strong interest in the workshop's agenda, will also be considered. Admission to the summer school comes with a full scholarship that covers travel expenses, accommodation for the duration of the summer school, and a stipend of 250€. Your application should include a description of your current research and/or course of study in 1000 words (max), a short CV (2 pages max), and two letters from teachers/tutors, one of which should ideally be from your supervisor.

Deadline: Please submit your application by 15 December 2012.

For further information and electronic submission of applications please contact the organizers:

Anna Akasoy |
Georgios Halkias |