Prof. Dr. Izak Cornelius arbeitet nicht länger für CERES. Die Informationen dieser Seite könnten daher veraltet sein.

Prof. Dr. Izak Cornelius

KHK Visiting Research Fellow 2009

KHK Visiting Research Fellow 2009
Professor für Altertumskunde, Universität Stellenbosch, Republik Südafrika

In 1999 Izak Cornelius became Full Professor of Ancient Studies at Stellenbosch University. Prior to that he had been Lecturer and Senior Lecturer in Ancient Near Eastern Studies since 1984 in the same department. Izak Cornelius has been awarded several fellowships and grants, of which the Alexander von Humboldt Fellowships at Heidelberg (1996) and Tubingen (2002/2003, 2005/2006, 2013/2014) deserve special mention. He is co-editor of the Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages.

Izak Cornelius specializes in the study of Ancient Near Eastern cultures, focusing on art and iconography and visible religion. Another major topic of his research is the connection between the Hebrew Bible and the ancient world. During his time in Bochum he was investigating, in an ongoing collaboration with Christian Frevel, the changes in the religious symbol system in the formative phase of pre-Hellenistic Judaism. Additionally Izak Cornelius is currently preparing a catalogue for ancient Palestinian female terracotta plaques.


Käte Hamburger Fellowship

Duration: April 2009 – March 2010
Projekt: Spuren des Monotheismus in der materiellen Kultur? Veränderungen im religiösen Symbolsystem in der formativen Phase des vorhellenistischen Judentums in der Eisen III-Zeit und Perserzeit