Dr. Imke Rath
KHK Visiting Research Fellow 2018KHK Visiting Research Fellow 2018
Research Fellow, Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research, Braunschweig
Imke Rath holds a German Magister diploma in languages and cultures of Austronesia, Islamic studies, and ethnology. With a thesis titled Christliche Wissenssysteme und ‚Strategien des Übersetzens‘ im Missionierungskontext: die Darstellung der tagalischen Religion im 17. und 18. Jh., she was awarded a Ph.D. in 2016. During the completion of her Ph.D. thesis, Imke Rath spent a year in Indonesia to focus on wood carving and Indonesian art history and did archival research in Mexico and the Philippines.
After graduation, Imke Rath worked as a research fellow from 2009 to 2012 as well as in 2014 at the Emmy Noether Research Group “Text, Bild, Performanz: Wandel und Ambivalenz kultureller Ordnungen in kolonialen Kontaktzonen (Provincia de Charcas und Philippinen, 17. – 18. Jh.)”. In February 2016, Imke Rath joined the Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research, Braunschweig, as a research fellow. There, she has been working on the development and academic support of the digital source collections EurViews and WorldViews. Her main research focuses on Early Modern colonial contact zones in missionary contexts with special attention to Island Southeast Asian religions.
- Ph.D., Languages and Cultures of Austronesia, 2016
- M.A., Languages and Cultures of Austronesia (major), Islamic Studies (minor), and Ethnology (minor), University of Hamburg, 2009
KHK Fellowship
Duration: April - July 2018
Project: Christian Systems of Knowledge and the Historiography of the Tagalog Religion