Prof. Dr. Dr. Helmut Zander arbeitet nicht länger für CERES. Die Informationen dieser Seite könnten daher veraltet sein.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Helmut Zander

KHK Visiting Research Fellow 2010

KHK Visiting Research Fellow 2010, Professor für Religionswissenschaft, Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät, Université de Fribourg, Schweiz

Since 2011 Helmut Zander is Professor of Religious Studies in the Faculty for Catholic Theology at the Université de Fribourg. He was Bert Brecht Visiting Professor of History at the University of Augsburg in 2009 and a research fellow of the graduate school ‘Locating Media’ hosted by the University of Siegen in 2008. He also was appointed Substitute Visiting Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Zurich in 2009/2010 and Substitute Visiting Professor of History of Science at Humboldt University in 2006. Helmut Zander coordinated and participated in several publicly sponsored research projects at different institutions.

Helmut Zander specializes in the study of the history of religions and esotericism. A major research focus is the history of anthroposophy in Germany. Lately he acquired a further research interest in the field of media studies. During his time in Bochum Helmut Zander is working on the conceptualization of a European history of religions from a comparative perspective.


Duration of Fellowship:

May 2010 – April 2011
Project: Europäische Religionsgeschichte aus komparativer Perspektive.