
Plenary Session Themenfeld 4

Modeling Religious Convergence

During the first half of the session, we wish to discuss the attached concept paper ('Modeling Religious Convergence') which attempts to provide some structure to our future work within the research field. We will be very grateful for critical input from the plenum.

The remainder of the session will be devoted to globalized Christmas, with inputs by:

Thomas Hauschild (Santa Claus and other Christmas spirits)

Alexandra Cuffel (Judaism and Christmas)

Stefan Reichmuth (Islamic responses to intrusive Christmas folklore)

Alexander Nagel ("It´s just for the children: Christmas celebrations of Muslim migrants in Germany")

Beteiligte Personen

Foto von Prof. Dr. Marion Eggert

Prof. Dr. Marion Eggert


Universitätsstr. 150
44801  Bochum
Büro GB 1/46
+49 234 32-25572

Prof. Dr. Stefan Reichmuth


Universitätsstr. 150
44801  Bochum
Büro GB 2/38
+49 234 32-25125