image of DiGA Kickoff Workshop

DiGA Kickoff Workshop


The first DiGA workshop aspires to establish and consolidate dialogue among scholars variously engaged in South Asian studies and Digital …

image of Weit weg von Wellness: Tantrisch-buddhistische Rituale an der Seidenstraße

Weit weg von Wellness: Tantrisch-buddhistische Rituale an der Seidenstraße

CERES-Palais, Raum "Ruhrpott" (4.13)

Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Carmen Meinert (Religionen Zentralasiens) im Rahmen der Online-Ringvorlesung "Eine Religion kommt selten allein: Streifzüge durch die …

image of DiGA - Field Trip Presentation

DiGA - Field Trip Presentation


The DiGA team presents impressions from their first field trip to Pakistan in November 2021 and gives first insights into …

image of How Did the Ancient Iranians Coordinate Space? On the Old Iranian Absolute Frame of Reference
Externe Veranstaltung

How Did the Ancient Iranians Coordinate Space? On the Old Iranian Absolute Frame of Reference


Pourdavoud Center Lecture by Prof. Dr. Kianoosh Rezania (CERES/RUB, Bochum) The lecture is organised by the Pourdavoud Center for the …