image of RELIGION & METAPHOR #4 - Alberto Cantera: The Conceptualization and Deification of Ritual Actions and Attitudes in the Early Zoroastrian Tradition. Three Samples: frauuaṣ̌i-, mazdā and daēnā

RELIGION & METAPHOR #4 - Alberto Cantera: The Conceptualization and Deification of Ritual Actions and Attitudes in the Early Zoroastrian Tradition. Three Samples: frauuaṣ̌i-, mazdā and daēnā


Gastvortrag in englischer Sprache von Prof. Dr. Alberto Cantera (Freie Universität Berlin) It is a feature of the Indo-Iranian pantheon …

image of RELIGION & METAPHOR #5 - Stephen Pihlaja: Emergent Metaphor Use in YouTube Drama

RELIGION & METAPHOR #5 - Stephen Pihlaja: Emergent Metaphor Use in YouTube Drama


Gastvortrag auf Englisch von Dr. Stephen Pihlaja (Birmingham) The presentation will discuss how metaphor emerges in arguments on YouTube and …

image of Online Lunchbox Lecture: Spiritualität, Glauben, Gemeinschaft – Neues Ausstellungskonzept SACRED SPACES im Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, Köln

Online Lunchbox Lecture: Spiritualität, Glauben, Gemeinschaft – Neues Ausstellungskonzept SACRED SPACES im Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, Köln


Lunchbox Lecture von Dr. Annabell Springer (Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum Köln) Die Lunchbox Lecture wird online veranstaltet. Interessierte melden sich bitte bei Martin …

image of RELIGION & METAPHER #6 - Roy Tzohar: Liberative Metaphors: The Indian Buddhist Yogācāra Account6

RELIGION & METAPHER #6 - Roy Tzohar: Liberative Metaphors: The Indian Buddhist Yogācāra Account6


Gastvortrag auf Englisch von Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Roy Tzohar (Tel Aviv University)  Buddhist philosophy is fundamentally ambivalent toward language, paradoxically seen …

image of RELIGION & METAPHOR #7 - Thomas M. Schmidt: Performative References to Transcendence. Habermas on the Meaning of the Sacred

RELIGION & METAPHOR #7 - Thomas M. Schmidt: Performative References to Transcendence. Habermas on the Meaning of the Sacred


Gastvortrag in Englisch von Prof. Dr. Thomas M. Schmidt (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt) In his Theory of Communicative Action (1981) Jürgen Habermas …

image of Materialwerkstatt Wissenstransfer

Materialwerkstatt Wissenstransfer


Wissenstransfer und Digitalisierung: Von Imagefilmen zu digitalen Werkzeugen

image of Moving out of the Tibetan Period: Stein Painting 3 from Dunhuang
BuddhistRoad Guest Lecture

Moving out of the Tibetan Period: Stein Painting 3 from Dunhuang

CERES-Palais, Raum "Ruhrpott" (4.13)

Guest lecture by Imre Galambos (Cambridge) The lecture is available live at Zoom. Please pre-register here until 25 February 2021, …